Our Washoe
![]() |
to save the Ballardini Ranch
and for a better quality of life |
Protect Our Washoe was established in the 1970s and has worked on a wide range of public interest issues. We successfully opposed the "A-Line" route for U.S. 395 South between Reno and the Mt. Rose Highway. More recently, P.O.W. provided input to the 2030 regional transportation plan.
In 2002, we continued our longrunning efforts to preserve the Ballardini Ranch and successfully opposed attempts to increase the density of the neighboring ArrowCreek development.
We'll keep you posted. If you are not already on our mailing list, please request inclusion and please consider supporting our work by sending a contribution to the address, below.
Thank you.
It's Crunch Time
"A race is on to find money to buy the Ballardini Ranch and preserve it as open space because the owners now are asking the Reno City Council to annex the northern portion..."
Reno Gazette-Journal Sept. 19, 2003
Hearing scheduled on latest proposal
Please attend and spread the word
Monday, October 6, 2003, 6:00 p.m.
Ward 2 Neighborhood Advisory Board
Meadow Wood Court Yard Hotel - 5851 S. Virginia St., Reno
(next to Wild Oats, across from Meadowood Mall)Download the meeting agenda in Adobe Acrobat Reader
C. LDC04-00076 (Evans Creek/Ballardini Ranch) A request for voluntary annexation of the northern ±419 acres of the Ballardini Ranch, located on the south side of McCarran Boulevard at the Manzanita Drive intersection.
PLANNER: Arlo Stockham, Senior Planner
MEETING DATE: City Council - November 19, 2003UPDATE The developers pulled the request.
Don't let ranch purchase die
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial Sept. 16, 2003Ballardini owner no longer wants to sell
Reno Gazette-Journal Sept. 13, 2003Reno Council unanimously declines Ballardini annexation
Reno Gazette-Journal Sept. 11, 2003
Washoe County Commission unanimously opposes annexation
RENO (Aug. 12, 2003) The Washoe County Commission voted unanimously to send a letter to the Reno City Council in opposition to a developer proposal to annex the Ballardini Ranch into the city. The council considered the application on Sept. 10. Please send a note of thanks. (Contact info below.)
The Southwest Truckee Meadows Citizen Advisory Board reviewed the annexation on August 21. (See below.) The City of Reno Ward 2 Neighborhood Advisory Board heard it on Sept. 8. Each member stated opposition.
"As you are aware, the Ballardini Ranch has been identified for acquisition, not only for open space as a property designated in the approved Regional Open Space Plan, but also by the voters of this community," the Washoe County Commission wrote to the Reno City Council on Aug. 19.
"Any annexation of the Ballardini Ranch will immediately, even without development, affect its assessed valuation and, therefore, likely increase the market value of the property for acquisition purposes," the letter, signed by all five commissioners, continued.
Thanks to everyone who attended or contacted the commission in support of preservation.
Click here to download the county staff recommendation and the working draft of the commission's letter in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it free from (All five commissioners signed the final version of the letter.)
Reno City Council Contact Info
IMayor & Council Fax: (775) 334-2097
Mayor Bob Cashell 334-2001
David Aiazzi 334-2016
Dwight Dortch 334-2015
Toni Harsh 334-2011
Pierre Hascheff 334-2014
Jessica Sferrazza 334-2012
Sharon Zadra 334-2017
Multiple e-mail:
Highlight and copy the following into your e-mail program
(Keep the commas.),,,,,,,U.S. Mail address:
P.O. Box 1900
Reno, NV 89505
BACKGROUND Earlier this year, the developers proposed 43 units on 600 acres of the southern parcel of the ranch. At the time, Protect Our Washoe stated that "If this portion of the Ballardini Ranch is developed, at least as constituted, it would have the implications of permanently deteriorating wildlife protection goals of the citizens, would serve as a potential precursor for substantially increased density (including traffic impacts resulting from potential development on the northern parcel), and begin an unfortunate slide toward development of the whole Ballardini Ranch."
The developer filing was scheduled to come before the Southwest Truckee Meadows Citizen Advisory Board on Feb. 20, 2003, but was taken off the agenda because the submission was incomplete. (Read more about it.) The new proposal to annex the entire ranch came before the SWTMCAB on Thursday, August 21. The panel voted unanimously to oppose the annexation.
Aug. 6, 2003 The developer proposal to annex the Ballardini Ranch into the City of Reno was discussed before the city's Ward One Neighborhood Advisory Board at Reno City Hall. A show of hands asked for by the NAB and entered into the record found 22 of attendees opposed vs. only 4 in favor of annexation. While the NAB did not formally vote, a majority expressed opposition. Their comments will be forwarded to the Reno City Council. Councilwoman Toni Harsh was in attendance. (Click here to read the transcript of the meeting.) For complete information on the fight to save the ranch, scroll down.
Nov. 19, 2003 Developers pulled a request before the Reno City Council for voluntary annexation of the northern ±419 acres of the Ballardini Ranch, located on the south side of McCarran Boulevard at the Manzanita Drive intersection.
Please help us stress the need to protect the Ballardini Ranch and raise your concerns with respect to these and other issues.
Watch this website for more important announcements. Please consider getting on our mailing list.
Any contributions to Protect Our Washoe are welcome. It is a purely volunteer effort and your help would be most appreciated. Checks payable to "Protect Our Washoe" may be mailed to the address, below.
Thank you.
(12-17-2003) Say NO to commercial development in our residential neighborhood! Do you want Huffaker Lane to look like Moana at Lakeside or Kietzke at McCarran? Stand up for our neighborhood!
A developer is seeking a master plan amendment, a zoning map amendment, and a special use permit to allow professional office buildings to be built on 6.39 acres on West Huffaker Lane, immediately across Huffaker from Casitas de la Sierra.Protect our residential neighborhood!
Attend the Reno City Council meeting
Wednesday, December 17, 6:00 p.m.
Reno City Hall, 490 S. Center Street, Council Chambers
Attendance at the meeting is crucial. If you absolutely cannot attend the meeting, make sure the City Council members know you don't want professional offices in your residential neighborhood. If you can attend, consider writing or calling, too!
RENO CITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATIONUpdate: the council approved the amendment.
owner no longer wants to sell Reno
Council unanimously declines Ballardini annexation Don't
delay Ballardini acquisition
commission agrees to Ballardini appraisal
owners ask City of Reno
Ranch Timeline 1997-2003 Proposed
annexation program gives Reno Task
force considers water well plan Backcountry
group targets southwest Reno foothills Financial
assistance possible for well owners Land
trusts large and small gaining momentum County
puts forth tougher land-use standards Ballardini
Ranch preservation takes major step Washoe
County officials say new land-use policies Effort
to save western foothills passes threshold, activist says In-depth historical background and issues Reno Gazette-Journal Feb. 9, 2000 |
Our Washoe
P. O. Box 20397
Reno, NV 89515
may send your contribution to help fund the fight to the above address. Thank
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